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AFRO053A | 2024-03-29  
Dive into the rich cultural tapestry of "Shwele, Shwele" by Soul Judas, a track that draws inspiration from the ancestral calling practices of Izangoma. With deep roots in tradition, this release invites listeners to explore the mystical realms of African spirituality through the power of music. Soul Judas pays homage to their upbringing and heritage, infusing the track with soul-stirring rhythms and evocative melodies. "Shwele, Shwele" offers a friendly invitation to embrace the ancestral wisdom and spiritual resonance embedded within its beats. Join Soul Judas on this musical journey as they bridge the gap between tradition and modernity, inviting listeners to connect with the sacred rhythms of their culture.

Producer: Soul Judas
Final Mastering: YHV Recordings
Publisher: YHV Publishing
Record Label: Afroritmo YHV Records

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