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Love Strain 2020


TEKK12D | 2020-02-21  
Following the success of Let’s Get Busy 2019, with massive DJ support, frequent airplay on all the key dance shows in the UK and a No 1 in Music Week’s Upfront Club Chart just before Christmas, Swedish house act Clubland returns with a 2020 update of their classic track Love Strain.

When first released in 1992, Love Strain never quite reached the same success as Clubland’s other singles, but throughout the years the demand for the track has constantly been growing, particularly for David Morales’ highly acclaimed remixes.

Now Hungary’s finest, Crazibiza, is breathing new life into Love Strain, finding a perfect blend of oldskool and nuskool flavors that will bring the track to a new audience.

As a bonus, we are also including a slightly remastered version of the classic David Morales dub.
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